Friday 8 May 2015

Producers and Consumers

Three producers present at my site:

1. Breadfruit Tree

  • For this producer, I think that it is able to feed around four species present at my site. A primary consumer of fallen breadfruits are worms. A secondary consumer that preys on worms are birds. The tertiary consumer that feeds on birds are cats.
2. Coconut Tree

  • The coconut trees at my site are able to feed about two to three different species. A primary consumer would be ants. The secondary consumer that feeds on ants are lizards. The tertiary species that consumes the secondary consumers are birds.
3. Papaya Tree

  • This producer can feed around six species at my site. One primary consumer of the tree's fruits are fruit flies. A secondary consumer that feeds on fruit flies are frogs. As surprising as it sounds, the tertiary consumer that feeds on frogs are coconut crabs.

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